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Create Railways Navigator

Ever wanted a navigator for your trains? Yes? This addon is for you!

Create: Steam 'n' Rails

Enchance Your Create Mod train experience with Steam 'n' Rails

Create: Structures

Early-game structures for Your world

Modern Train Parts

This is a create addon that implements modern railway systems, cargo and deco blocks for create trains.

Create Crafts & Additions

Create Crafts & Additions extends Create and acts as a bridge between electricity and kinetic energy

Create: Bells & Whistles

Additions and adornments for the modern Create engineer. Available for both Fabric & Forge!

Create Track Map

A web-based track map of your world's Create train system, complete with signals, stations, and trains moving in real time.

Create: The Factory Must Grow

Heavy Engineering & Oil For The Create Mod

Create: Interactive

A rewrite of Create's contraptions using VS2 to allow for things like building on existing contraptions, stacked contraptions, train derailment and more!

What is Blueprint?

Blueprint is a site made to help You find Your favorite Create Mod addons

How does it work?

We collect data from Modrinth and Curseforge and then use it to show you the addons (more info here)

Who is behind the site?

The creator: @yehorscode on Github, .egorro on Discord

Why isn't my addon on the site?

We probably didn't find it, contact us here: